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Fat Bird Red 750ml

Red cherry, plum and spice, fruity and smooth. Perfect match with red meat dishes.

Gabriel Meffre La Châsse Côtes-du-Rhône 750ml

Intense and full, with delicate hints of black berry fruits, spices.

Gabriel Meffre Saint Pétrarque Ventoux 750ml

A blend of Grenache and Syrah grapes, this wine is elegant and round with a spicy finish.

Graham Norton HE-DEVIL Malbec 750ml

"If you're looking for a well-behaved wine, this isn't it! My HE-DEVIL was created to turn heads, break hearts and leave you wanting more... and it's delivered on all counts." Graham Norton, Chief Winemaker. This is an intense, big, juicy red wine that will make you sit up and take notice. Deep purple in the glass with a bouquet of sweet spice and plum compote which envelopes the palate with a sweet toasty finish.

Hawke's Bay Brewing Co. Red Sangria Bottle 620ml

A blend of our best Hawkes Bay red wine and fruit juices: mandarin, apple and orange zest.

Leon Perdigal Côtes du Rhône 750ml

The nose has intense aromas of red fruits and spice, with subtle pepper and garrigue notes. The spice-tinged red fruits continue on the palate, which is medium-bodied and has a pleasing length.

Luzón Colección Crianza 750ml

A complex and balanced wine with spicy notes, black fruits such as blackcurrants and blackberries, which combine with delicate tobacco notes. On the palate, this is a mature and elegant wine with velvety tannins and a long finish.

M. Chapoutier Belleruche Côtes-du-Rhône 750ml

The Chapoutier Côtes-du-Rhône Belleruche is juicy, powerful and fruity. Intense fruit notes and delicate tannins.

Matawhero Church House Malbec Merlot 750ml

Deep crimson, lifted aromatic notes of Doris plum, dark fruits, chocolate, violet and dusty herbs. The grapes for this wine are sourced from the Tietjen's vineyard in the Hexton Hills appellation of Gisborne. Grown on Kaiti clay loam soil and planted in 2009, the fruit is 100% leaf plucked around the fruit zone and only two canes are laid down to ensure good ripeness, colour and texture in the wine.

McGuigan Black Label Red 750ml

An Australian classic, this red wine is renowned for its flavour and consistency with rich fruit flavours or ripe berry and stewed plums. This is rounded off with a smooth mouth filling finish.

McGuigan Gold Label Red Blend 750ml

Elevate golden moments with the McGuigan Gold Label range. A deliciously smooth wine, bursting with flavours of ripe blackberry and cherry with hints of spice and a chocolatey finish.

Medici Ermete Lambrusco DOC 750ml

The Medici Lambrusco colour is intense ruby red. The bouquet is fruity and persistent with violet scent leading to sweet, fruity, fresh, lively and pleasantly harmonious. The froth is fine and rich when poured.
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